South Korean actress and singer IU, real name Kim Ji Eun, has been announced as the global brand ambassador for Gucci. The actress attended Cannes Film Festival 2022 for her movie Broker where she wore the brand's outfit for the red carpets On May 30, Gucci shared a photo of IU on the red carpet and captioned the post, “Global Brand Ambassador IU was captured at the 75th Annual Cannes Film Festival wearing a Gucci gown with lace rebrodé petal details on the cuffs, as well as sequin flowers and crystal embellishments on the skirt.” View this post on Instagram A post shared by @gucci According to the website, "IU wears key looks from the Aria collection while highlighting distinctive styles including the Jackie 1961 embellished with colorful geometric patterns, and the Gucci Diana and boots featuring a maxi GG monogram, all part of this year’s Gucci Gift selection. Bamboo handle bags in various colors and materials take center sta...