In an unprecedented deal, the music rights of the highly anticipated Shah Rukh Khan film Jawan, also starring Nayanthara and Vijay Sethupathi, helmed by renowned director Atlee Kumar have been sold for astounding ₹36 crores to the music label T-Series. The fierce competition for these rights witnessed several major players vying for the deal, but it was T-Series' astronomical bid that emerged as a winner, securing the highly sought-after music rights of Shah Rukh Khan’s Jawan. The jaw-dropping ₹36 crores deal for the music rights of Jawan has shattered all previous records in the industry, as per a report by Box Office Worldwide. The film is already generating immense buzz among cinephiles and has become the talk of the town with this new agreement. Jawan is poised to be a cinematic spectacle, combining the talents of Shah Rukh Khan, Nayanthara, and Vijay Sethupathi with the directorial finesse of Atlee Kumar. The film is set to deliver an enthralling narrative, filled with emoti...