Netflix India recently elevated the long weekend with the global digital release of the much-anticipated blockbuster film Animal on January 26, 2024. Boasting a cast including Ranbir Kapoor, Anil Kapoor, Bobby Deol, Rashmika Mandanna, and Triptii Dimri, the movie is now accessible in Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, and Kannada, on Netflix. Released in theatres on December 2023, the film, helmed by Sandeep Reddy Vanga, garnered polarizing reactions but collected more than Rs. 800 crore at the global box office. Now, five days after the release of the film on the platform, the film has garnered 6.2 million viewers with 20 million watch time hours. Animal is soaring at No. 4 on Netflix’s Non-English Film list, in its first week of the release. Recently, Ranbir Kapoor was felicitated with the Best Actor Award at Filmfare 2024 in Gujarat for his performance in Animal. Directed by Sandeep Reddy Vanga, this action drama explores the intricacies of modern-day relationships, focusing on the dynami...