Athiya Shetty and KL Rahul, who tied the knot in January 2023, have fueled speculation about expecting their first child. The couple themselves haven't made an official announcement, but a recent comment by Athiya's father, Suniel Shetty, has sparked rumours. During an episode of the dance reality show Dance Deewane, where Suniel Shetty is a judge, the host, Bharti Singh, playfully referred to him as a "cool Nana" (grandfather). In response, Suniel said, "Yes, next season when I come I will be walking on the stage like a Nana." This cryptic remark has ignited speculation that Athiya might be pregnant. Having said that, it is worth mentioning here that Athiya is an avid social media user and keeps posting her photos and videos. However, there were no hints of a baby on the way in any of her recent Instagram posts. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Athiya Shetty (@athiyashetty) Athiya Shetty and KL Rahul reportedly began dating in 2019. T...